50歳からのPower Training # 292012/04/21 15:00

Tempo with AC bursts every 5 minutes- short hills.
[Tempo with AC bursts every 5 minutes- short hills.]

3.0 hours- Tempo and AC bursts...
Start out at a nice endurance pace for 60minutes andJust riding and doing 1 hour of effort at watts of 115-135. Smooth and steady, and then in the 2nd hour, pick up the intensity to 130-140w.
Then do 15 bursts within this hour to watts of 190 for 30seconds and then come back to watts of 130-140 and NOT lower!!!! Finish the last hour, by attacking 8 hills and sprinting OVER the top. Don't just make the crest the top. The "REAL" top is 15m over the crest.
Cool-down for 20minutes.

50歳からのPower Training # 282012/04/14 16:12

Vo2max-2 minute TTs
[Vo2max-2 minute TTs]
WU: 15minute warm-up

MS: DO 4 x 1 minute fast pedaling intervals with cadence over 100, and not worrying too much about your wattage, focus more on your cadence and pedaling smooth.

Then 5 minutes easy and then do (6) x 2 minute Time trials, with your cadence at 5 rpm below your normal cadence, trying to build a little more muscle strength here.

Start from 23-25mph and then hammer it for 2 minutes…. Shoot for 135% (200w) of your Threshold.

Blow right at the end !

REST for 2minutes between each.

Then 10minutes easy and finish with (1) 6 minute Time trial !! Hammer them !!! Really go and push it at your normal self-selected cadence. Cool-down

50歳からのPower Training # 262012/03/28 17:52

EASY Ride!
[AC- 3x2, 3x1,3x30sec]
WU: 20 minutes warm-up

MS: Then do (3) x 2 minutes striving for 135% of your threshold with 1 minute rest between each,

Then 5 minutes easy,

Then 3 x 1 minute, striving for 150% with 1 minute rest,

Then 5 minutes easy

and finish with 3x 30 seconds ALL out with 1 minute rest…..

CD: Cool down for 15 minutes of easy spinning.

Try for at least 200% of your threshold watts on each sprint as an average. SHOOT for 350% of threshold watts as your max in the last 6 sprints.

50歳からのPower Training # 252012/03/27 07:54

「Super Cycle Enduro 2012 Road in 下総」のレースデータ
「Super Cycle Enduro 2012 Road in 下総」のレースデータ。

50歳からのPower Training # 242012/03/22 19:23

PCG classic Tune-up]
[PCG classic Tune-up]
1.5hours with 3 x 1 minutes hard, with at least 5 minutes of easy riding between each. Also do 3 x 30 seconds hard sprints, with 5 minutes between. Rest is just easy and cruising. No wattage goals on these, just give it your best shot. The goal is to get the blood pumping and get those muscles 'fat' and then to 'release after the first couple of efforts. That 'release/relaxation' after the hard efforts will prep them for tomorrow's race nicely!