50歳からのPower Training # 21 ― 2012/03/14 20:44
[Anaerobic Capacity- 8x 2]
WU: Standard warm-up for 15 minutes and getting the legs moving.
MS:, Set your power meter so you can see the average mode in ‘interval’ mode.
Then do 8 x 2 minutes as hard as you can go, and using your average watts as a ‘carrot’ to push all the way to the end.
The goal?
Average over 130%(195w) of your threshold power.
Reach for that.
Stop when you can’t reach 118%(175w) in your average.
Recover for at least 2 minutes, more if needed.
Finish with 3 x 1 minute efforts and try to average over 140%(210w) here.
Do all of them, unless you can’t even get over 120%(180w).
CD: 15 minutes cool-down.
WU: Standard warm-up for 15 minutes and getting the legs moving.
MS:, Set your power meter so you can see the average mode in ‘interval’ mode.
Then do 8 x 2 minutes as hard as you can go, and using your average watts as a ‘carrot’ to push all the way to the end.
The goal?
Average over 130%(195w) of your threshold power.
Reach for that.
Stop when you can’t reach 118%(175w) in your average.
Recover for at least 2 minutes, more if needed.
Finish with 3 x 1 minute efforts and try to average over 140%(210w) here.
Do all of them, unless you can’t even get over 120%(180w).
CD: 15 minutes cool-down.